Performing Arts sit at the heart of everything that Maria and her creative collaborators offer to the world.

Creative Coach, Facilitator, Trainer, Writer & Producer

Passion for performing arts.

Theatre teaches us about presence ; about being embodied and communicating the essence of  our humanity to others. This ability to be with oneself and with others is the beating heart of everything that Maria and her creative collaborators offer to the world.

Tam Dean Burn as Rab in Revelations of Rab McVie.
Photo by Pavlos Papageorgiou

Revelations of Rab McVie

A short excerpt from the premiere of Revelations of Rab McVie at Edinburgh’s Traverse Theatre:

Originally trained as an actor at The Drama Studio, London , Maria went on to work closely with the Shakespeare scholar John Barton at the Royal Shakespeare Company and train there as a theatre director. Maria’s passion is for Story and the playwright/theatre-maker as a crafter of stories that shape and communicate  our sense of ourselves, our understanding of how we connect with others and how we fit into bigger, more universal and timeless world pictures.

As Artistic Director of Brighton-based company, Theatre & Beyond, Maria championed regional new writers and established a platform for showcasing new plays as main events in the Brighton Festival and at Chichester Festival Theatre. This work won the prestigious Peggy Ramsay Award for New Writing and a Stage One/ UK Theatres Producer’s award.



By Martin Sharp & directed by Maria Pattinson for Theatre of Angels.


Devised and performed by Maria Pattinson with Brighton Puppetry School, Marlborough Theatre.


by Benjamin Britten for Alma Viva Opera an open-air production.


A devised promenade production for Chichester Festival Theatre.


by Mark Wheatley, a site specific new play commissioned by the Brighton Festival.


"A dialogue-rich, two-hander requires listening investment from its audience, made easy here by simply splendid acting directed by award-winning Maria Pattinson, a supporter of new writing, who achieves an intimately moving and fluid encounter between a woman driven by literature, love and spirituality, and a man whose own demons lead him to favour the harder worlds of history and psychology."

- British Theatre Guide review New End Theatre , Hampstead

"In a series of imagined meetings, as tea and macaroons make way for liquor, they exchange bait, barbs, advice and empathy like only women can. A government agent slinks in every now and then to whip up their suspicions and set the plot spinning. But what shines through at the play’s opening in part thanks to the clean face to face direction of Annie Castledine and Maria Pattinson and the casting of the five central characters according to spirit rather than age, is the irreducible, un-turnable core of their womanhood."

- Bella Todd: editor of Latest 7 Magazine and theatre critic for the Guardian.

The myth of Odysseus and the Cyclops has it that on his way back to Ithaca, the hero and his men ended up in the land of the Cyclopes – fierce, one-eyed giants. There, Odysseus was trapped in a cave of the Cyclops Polyphemus who ate two of the men the king of Ithaca was traveling with and was about to eat Odysseus himself. It is then, that Odysseus got Polyphemus drunk, told him that his name is “Nobody” and after that blinded the one-eyed giant. Later, when the other Cyclopes asked Polyphemus: “Who blinded you?”, he responded: “Nobody.” With no proper way of naming the man who injured him, Polyphemus was unable to find him and seek revenge.